29 December 2009

ray of sonshine

where's the ray of Son or sun in your life right now?

is it in the holiday season?

is it in the kindness of a stranger?

is it in some much needed time off?

today, as the sun is shining i am reminded of the greater One

28 December 2009


okay stop for a second, after reading the title, did you start singing the song the "way we were"? i just wanted to make sure i wasn't alone here on that one.

sometimes as you go through life, you experience something that triggers a memory. occassionally it's something wonderful that takes you back to your childhood, makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, reminding you of a time when your mom would fix your favorite meal. a time when you felt that all was right in the world. but then there's other times that it brings up something that is buried down deep inside of you.

you know, somewhere no one has ever gone before.

it triggers something you may regret and definitely don't talk about with anyone.

it's a place you don't want to acknowledge and hard as you may try, you push it deeper inside of you.

you know, that memory of a bad choice, bad experience, bad situation.... now, because of one incident, it is something you start to wrestle with.

that's where God's grace comes in. you see, He's there, just waiting.

He wants you to let Him in.

He already knows your pain.

remember He was there with you,
by your side....
through it all.

now let Him take you
as you are

27 December 2009


hebrews 11:1 "now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

today, this verse has been on my heart and in my head. i know with great certainty that it was put there by God. it came when i needed it.

it's as if God is telling me, "have faith beth, I'm in control. it's all going to work out for My glory."

and in those hard times, i know it's difficult to hear God over everything else. today though, His whisper came through loud and clear.

and i'm glad i was paying attention because...

faith in Him,

gives me peace

21 December 2009

reaching out

recently i was talking with a friend and she was explaining to me how she was going through something difficult late at night. she mentioned that she should have called someone, but didn't. and within time, it passed. now it wasn't a life-threatening experience, but it was enough to keep her awake at night, throughout the night.

i'm sure we've all been there before in some capacity. having one of those restless nights, when you just need someone to talk to, letting you know it's going to be okay and reassure you that you're not alone.

but sometimes we allow those life experiences to separate us, more than unite us.

because isn't it just easier to try and forge through something on our own instead of reaching out?

when we reach out, there's fear and vulnerability associated.
it let's people in to see our pain and the reality that we're not perfect.
and by doing that, it shows that we're broken, in need of love and support.

in this already broken world, maybe we can reach out to one another more often,

helping to heal this place,

one person at a time.

20 December 2009

presences or presents?

the holiday time, a time for extra shopping, buying gifts or tokens of appreciation for those you love. purchasing a small gift of thanks for someone who is in your life.

a couple close friends and i have decided not to exchange gifts, for birthdays or holidays. not because we're scrooges or because of the economy. it's because when we buy something for someone, we want it to be meaningful. instead, we allow ourselves to purchase something for each other when we see it in the store and think, "yes, that's just perfect for ...". it doesn't have to be because it's christmas or their birthday, it's just because.

a couple days ago i received an unexpected present, and in it i felt God's presences.

have you ever had a gift like that?

you know the type. when you open it, you feel like God is there in it. you sense the presences of someone greater behind it. and to say thank you doesn't even seem like enough.

for me, it was completely overwhelming....and still is to think about. it was given because of what they saw.

and shouldn't that be the way we feel when we're in the presences of God?

knowing that He is there among us...

sensing something far greater than anyone of us...

being completely overwhelmed.

i pray throughout this christmas season, we can all remember that omnipotent present that wants to be the presences in our lives


giving, seems to be the message of the season. how can you give? what can you give? it’s better to give than receive.

we know these phrases, have heard them, and maybe even succumbed to a few of them. sometimes however, we feel them tugging at our wallets more than our hearts.

and yet, it makes me think of God and how he gave. His heart was in it for us.

He gave

He gave His Son's life

He gave His Son's life for us.

if God can give,
shouldn't i be able to do the same thing?

14 December 2009


okay, now when you first read that, i'm not talking about the 1960s hippy peace, so please remove that visual from your head. what i'm talking about it the message of the Christmas season. and maybe, if you're like me, it might even be a personal mantra. it's how i sign my correspondence because it's a personal reminder to me, but also a hope for the other person.

now take a minute or two to read philippians 4:4-7.

re-read verse 7 slowly, deliberately

focus on those first five words..."and the peace of God"...

"the peace of God"

"peace of God"


paul (that guy who's been in prison) is encouraging us to take that peace and ease our anxiety or anxiousness. to let it cover over us, releasing the tension we hold. he is instructing us to take the peace of God with us. and his message is clear....


it's such a key component to his letters and in worship, but do we take it with us? do we allow ourselves to feel that peace?




begin to feel it, starting at the top of your head, cascading down through you....



releasing tension, anxiety, anxiousness



soon it begins to meet the rhythm of your breathing...




let it cover over you



and let it become your prayer


13 December 2009

just wait, it's coming

today is one of those mornings when i can feel God is with me. so much so, that it even brings tears to my eyes to know that.

it's that time when i feel dialed into God and His presences, even in the midst of my questioning Him, His plan, my life. and throughout it all, i hear God and feel God telling me...

"just wait, it's coming."

"it's going to be so amazing!"

"just wait, it is coming, beth."

how blessed to i feel that even in the noise of everyday life, i can still hear God and feel God.

and when i need the reassurance, i can read this and remember that...




09 December 2009

3, 2, 1....impact

i think it's easy to say, "wow, that song/book/event impacted me." we all can probably list out things that have made a difference in our lives and impacted us. maybe these events have even shaped us into the people we are today.

recently, while volunteering at "feed the children" i started thinking about the impact i have on others. here i am, packing boxes that will be delivered to families/communities in need. what a blessing it was that my hands were able to touch the items that will help someone else. to know that i'm helping someone get food, soap, or other items of necessity.

have you ever been in need of those items?

you see, i have actually been on the other side of one of those boxes. when i was growing up, one holiday season my mom didn't have enough money for food, bills, etc. the church we belonged to found out about this, delivered boxes of food to us, and even provided a little bit of money for bills to be paid. those people who generously gave will never know how they impacted me.

you see though, that's where i can make a difference. someone willing gave and now it's my turn.

about a year ago, someone told me that when they go to the grocery store, they always pick up at least one extra item that they don't need to donate to a food pantry. because when it comes down to it, can't we all spend an extra 50 cents or a dollar on one extra item? and some weeks, all you can afford is one item, but then other weeks it might be two or three items. you bring it home and put it in a bag and before you know it, you have a bag full of food, to donate....

to impact another life...

to feed someone in need.

and all this reminds me of Christ,
who gave of Himself for us,
and continually does so in the Eucharist.

He makes sure we're fed.

so can't we do the same for others?

05 December 2009

all because of what peter said...

excerpts taken from acts 2:38-47

v 41:" those who accepted his (peter's) message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day."

v 42:"they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship"....

v 44:"all the believers were together and had everything in common."

v 46:"every day they continued to meet together"..."ate together with glad and sincere hearts,"

v 47:..."and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

wow! did you catch all that? this takes place shortly after the Holy Spirit comes at pentecost. peter calls for people to "repent and be baptized" (acts 2:38) and they did it. not only that, they then continued to gather together because they had so much in common. they wanted to be there. it doesn't say that they occassionally gathered or did so monthly. no, it was done daily.

daily gathering together

praying together

breaking bread together

sharing in fellowship together

all because of what peter said.

can you imagine the pull your heart must feel when you're subjected to something like that?

wanting....desiring....needing to be there, to feel fulfilled.

selling everything to give to those in need.

knowing that there's no other place you'd rather be.

feeling satisfied and content.

and praising God throughout it all.

02 December 2009


it's the season of Advent, a new start for the church calendar, a wonderful season of celebration, a time for preparation.

so what are you preparing for?
-work tomorrow?
-how you'll handle the current crisis?
-having family and friends over?
-a good night sleep?...or maybe just making it through the day...

but what about this....what if we start preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ?

i mean actively preparing ourselves.

it's so much easier said, then done. let's do this together, let's start today, by doing one thing in our own lives to prepare ourselves. then that one thing can multiple, multiple within ourselves and others. it just takes one pebble to make a wave, and i believe that wave can start with us.

so, what change are you going to make?

me, i'm working on love.

loving myself, and loving those who can't love me back